When words of appreciation are said to people, there is a satisfaction that comes with it, an urge to do more and be the best in what they have been appreciated about.
This is the same feeling that comes when you appreciate yourself. You feel loved and there is no form of disrespect that can be directed at you that you will ever take.
Below are some ways to appreciate yourself more:
Meditation is a beautiful way to center yourself. When life is stressful or your mind is racing, you can always turn to meditation. It’s also accessible to everyone because you can do it anywhere. All you need to do is find a quiet, comfortable space, close your eyes, and simply breathe. When you dedicate yourself to easing your mind every day, you will reap the benefits of meditation as your own wellness advocate.
Finding a book or books! that speak to you is an extremely important part of self-love and wellness for the mind. The more you read, the more you find new ways to love yourself more and more. You learn new ways, you also discover things you probably have never paid attention to about yourself.
Avoid Negativity
Where do you spend most of your time? Is it your desk at work? Is it your car? When you look around your surroundings, do you feel a burst of joy? If not, the next step is to create an environment you absolutely love. Surround yourself with positive messages, pictures of people you love, and anything that makes you feel better. It is an act of self-love when you are in a comfortable environment full of the things that bring you joy. When you can smile by just looking around, you’re practicing self-love!
Having a morning and nighttime routine that is dedicated to gratitude is an amazing way to boost your self-love. And all you need is a journal to start. When you wake up every morning and each night before you sleep, write down three things for which you’re grateful. It’s a beautiful way to honor yourself and your life. It’s a perfect time to say thank you to your body!