LIVE HEALTHIER!!! MILNAPATH REJUVENATING DRINK is a liquid stem cell bottled to restore, repair, replace and regenerate cells in the human body.
Health Benefits:
1.Rich in Antioxidants
2.Natural Multivitamin
3.Reduces Wrinkles/ Age lines
4.Boost immune System
5. Alkalines the Body
6.Stress and anxiety relief
7.Natural Analgesic
8.Helps with Weight Loss
9.Increases Mental Clearity
10. Fights Cancer
11. Helps in proper blood circulation
12. Very good in balancing the body PH
13. Treats all forms of arthritis
14. Treatment of hyper and hypoglycemia.
The price is 10000 naira
Rejuvenating drink( liquid stem cell)
Active Ingredients
1.Khaya rancorous
2.sorghum bicolor
3.Moringa oleifera
4.Gongromena latifolia
Rich in Antioxidants, Boost the Blood and Immune System.
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