We all enjoy chewing gum for many reasons such as fresh breath, to stay alert or awake and for good taste. While excessive chewing of gum has its disadvantages, a little bit of gum once in a while doesn’t hurt anyone.
Here are some heathy benefits of chewing gum:
Sugar-free chewing is effective in preventing tooth decay with its effects being similar to mouth wash and toothpaste that contains fluoride; chewing on a sugarless gum after a meal can keep tooth decay and gingivitis at bay as well as promote tooth enamel. Chewing sugarless gum benefits your dental health since it doesn’t feed harmful bacteria in your mouth. Also, sugar-free chewing gum increases saliva production, which neutralizes acid in your mouth, prevents dry mouth and removes food particles from the teeth which could otherwise lead to tooth decay.
Acid reflux is a situation where the stomach acid moves up to the esophagus (food pipe) and chest congestion while damaging it simultaneously which leads to the familiar burning sensation in the throat or chest. Chewing gum eases acid reflux by clearing the food pipe and neutralizing the acids to give some relief. If you suffer from chest burn or heartburn, chew gum after eating to lower the acid build up to ease chest burn and acid reflux symptoms. Chewing gum encourages saliva production and makes it more alkaline so that it can neutralize acid.
Chewing gum before a meal helps improve digestion. This happens because the chewing action helps stimulate the mouth to produce saliva and the stomach to produce digestive acids thereby preparing the system for a meal, this in turn aids the effective digestion of food. Chewing gum after a meal also has its effects, it not only keeps the mouth healthy but also prevents indigestion by further stimulating the digestive process.
Chewing gum also prevents nausea. People who are prone to motion sickness or morning sickness could get great relief from chewing herbal gum that contains ginger or mint so as to aid sliver production and digestion. The ginger and mint also work as well or better than some anti-nausea drugs. Chewing gum to prevent nausea is just as effective as prescription drugs for nausea only that its cheaper and has little to no side effects.
When trying to lose weight, chewing gum is a good way to keep your cravings for sugary snacks at bay. When you get cravings for a snack, chewing gum is an effective way to reward yourself with adding the extra calories. This is also a way to curb the mindless nibbles of high-calorie snacks when relaxing or watching TV. Chewing gum helps control appetite, encourage dietary choices as well as born a few calories.
Chewing gum is an effective method to drain water that gets clogged in the ears after a swim or a shower. Chewing gum helps clear the sinus cavities and pushes the liquid further out, clearing the ear. Chewing gum also naturally equalizes air pressure in the ear with outside pressure thereby relieving ear pressure, pain as well as ear blockage. So instead of pinching your nose and trying to blow your ears clear, it is preferable to chew gum because as the jaw opens and closes it equalizes internal and external pressure.
One of the reasons for mouth odor or bad breath is the lack of salivary flow and growth of excess bacteria that follows. Chewing mint flavored gum after meal masks strong odor from foods like onions and garlic as well as prevents bad breath. Chewing gum stimulates salivary glands and keeps the mouth fresh all day while killing the nasty bacteria.