Artist To Watch: Earlvybz

Artist To Watch: Earlvybz

Wisdom Chiemeka Abiaziem aka earlvybz from Imo State is set to take his musical career to the next level being under the radar for a while, building and recording his song projects.

The journey started for him when he was in school (IMSU), where he studied political science but throughout this period he always multitasked/ integrated his music alongside with his academics. In his words, music is a means to express his creativity and he is ready to share his stories and dimension globally.

However, his mind is being groomed by idolizing the likes of Burnaboy, Wizkid, Omah lay and Asake; from being a lover of r&b, reggae, afrobeats, jazz and even rock. His music is centered around “SURVIVING” as he loves to infuse a lot of Soulful Melodies to his music, topped up with his lyrical composition to process emotions. He believes with how efficient Afro-fusion has established it’s stand in the music scene, that he is on the right path and in no due time, his music will make great waves in the industry; thus, around the globe.

Watch out for him and follow him on IG @earlvybz

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