“Holding a gay wedding in Nigeria is against the law” Crossdresser Bobrisky says

Popular cross dresser Idris Okuneye known as Bobrisky , has shared his two cents on the viral gay wedding that was interrupted by Delta state police .

Bobrisky took to his Instagram page and stated that his level is not achievable by just anyone. He reprimanded the alleged gay men for carrying their acts publicly saying that the law frowns upon such behavior.

He said ” You see dis class is not actually meant for everyone. But i strongly believe you can learn from those Alist. Firstly there’s a law passed against you guys that you can’t marry urself in dis country why d hell did you all call yourself together to organize a Wedding”

Bobrisky, showed no empathy and admonished the arrested suspects for carrying their intentions in a country that restricts it saying they should migrate to a country that welcomes same s*X marriage.

He said “That’s d best news have read dis week. You all deserve how you all were treated sad truth. If you feel you are in love with ur partner and you want to be together why not relocate to where you are welcome?”

Recall that the Delta state police command arrested 67 suspected gays at a gay wedding. The wedding was interrupted by the police and the arrested suspects were conveyed to the station.

The Delta state police command has vowed to prosecute the arrested suspects and make sure they get punished .

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“Holding a gay wedding in Nigeria is against the law” Crossdresser Bobrisky says

Popular cross dresser Idris Okuneye known as Bobrisky , has shared his two cents on the viral gay wedding that was interrupted by Delta state police .

Bobrisky took to his Instagram page and stated that his level is not achievable by just anyone. He reprimanded the alleged gay men for carrying their acts publicly saying that the law frowns upon such behavior.

He said ” You see dis class is not actually meant for everyone. But i strongly believe you can learn from those Alist. Firstly there’s a law passed against you guys that you can’t marry urself in dis country why d hell did you all call yourself together to organize a Wedding”

Bobrisky, showed no empathy and admonished the arrested suspects for carrying their intentions in a country that restricts it saying they should migrate to a country that welcomes same s*X marriage.

He said “That’s d best news have read dis week. You all deserve how you all were treated sad truth. If you feel you are in love with ur partner and you want to be together why not relocate to where you are welcome?”

Recall that the Delta state police command arrested 67 suspected gays at a gay wedding. The wedding was interrupted by the police and the arrested suspects were conveyed to the station.

The Delta state police command has vowed to prosecute the arrested suspects and make sure they get punished .

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