Rescue Operation Saves Trapped Cable Car Passengers In Pakistan

A cable car carrying two adults and six children found itself suspended hundreds of meters above the ground due to a malfunction in a remote area of Pakistan today.

The occupants were left trapped for hours before helicopter rescuers were dispatched to attempt their rescue.

The delicate operation saw army commandos descending from choppers to aid those stranded in the cable car.

The rescue operation was incredibly delicate as experts warned that the wind generated by the helicopters’ blades could potentially further weaken the cables holding the cable car aloft.

Passengers anxiously watched the operation unfold, offering prayers for their safe rescue. The incident captured the attention of Pakistanis across the nation, who gathered around various establishments all awaiting the outcome of the rescue mission.

The mishap occurred while the eight passengers were crossing a river canyon in the Battagram district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

In regions like Pakistan’s mountainous areas, cable cars are frequently used for transportation, especially in remote areas. However, due to poor maintenance, these vehicles often pose risks, resulting in accidents that lead to injuries or fatalities.

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