The word Democracy is no longer the government of the people, by the people and for the people. It no longer befit its definition. It’s been changed for the benefit of those who promised us all the advantages we’d enjoy once they come in power.
The freedom we gained or experienced for years still seem as though we are in bondage trying to figure out what would be our next tale. We have been hindered from moving forward due to the selfishness, self centeredness, careless attitude you constantly spurn towards us.
What happened to those criminals(rapists, human traffickers, fraudster, bandits, armed robbers, those herdsmen that appear as thorns in the flesh) you said you’d capture?
Do they just go scot free because you are unable to catch or protect her citizen or because you are afraid of them coming after you? Or maybe because you’re their sponsor and you are trying to have a clean name on the slate so it wouldn’t be stained.
Remember when you said you’d protect, fight for our rights?
Remember when you said you’d do everything in your power to bring those offenders to book or are they just mere words or is it because you don’t want them to hurt your loved ones. Or y’all are trying to legalise crime?
Remember we voted you in, remember we saw the potential in you before we agreed so you’d rule us.
Where are all the promises you made are they suddenly forgotten?
I wonder why you make so grave promises that looks like the world would revolve at the mention of your name and still you don’t revist the promises you made by fulfilling all isn’t that called unfaithfulness.
You don’t deserve us.
You don’t deserve to rule us, at all.
Look at how we lose our loved ones daily just because you couldn’t defend us.
Look at how our heroes are become fallen.
Look at how our joy has become shattered, our peace has been ruined.
So you think we would ever trust those in power cos we know y’all would continue to give us sweet lies.
You don’t deserve our cries, you do not worth it at all.
We are sad about our loss and we are afraid for our generations because we don’t know what would become of them if we ourselves can’t enjoy our father’s land.
I wonder what would drastically make them quiver in fear and shut their mouth due to corrupt system and bad governance.
I wonder if they would ever be able to express their feelings.
I wonder if they would be able to enjoy the freedom of right that we never enjoyed.
We all smile and vote you in when we know our lives is at stake but we’ve allowed our ignorance, naivety to overshadow us from doing the right thing after we see it that it’s so glaring that you’re all the same. Hmm
I thought Democracy what meant to fight and uphold peace for it’s people, citizens no matter how difficult the situation would be? Remember when your son injured look at the immediate action you took just to save him, could you please be deliberate in ensuring safety in our home land? Could you please take that extra effort in protecting us, we that voted you in.
Body of Government, please do everything in your power to support those whose loved ones have passed away through to your negligence by helping them, send their kids to school, provide basic amenities for them. Please do not fail to fulfill all the promises you made that those criminals would be severally punished.
Please don’t remain silent and do not act like you don’t know what’s going on in the country or you don’t care.
Please show that you love and truly care for us.
Even our so called Chief of Army staff gave us ‘outrageous’ advice that we should fight for ourselves, really, with what o? With our kitchen knives, shovels, turning sticks, wigs, biros, oh the shoes we’ve just gotten or what do you think we’d use to defend ourselves cos at the sight of Ak47 our mouth would begin to speak in strange tongues, the tools we’ve taken to defend us would fall down flat at our feet.
Are you happy that we are constantly losing our loved ones day by day or do you delight in our sorrow?
Do you feel at peace when we lose our properties, homes that stood as a shield to us even when we know that anything could happen? Or are you okay with the way your homeland is constantly disturbed?
If you don’t then you must be ready, prepared to restore tranquility, peace in our country home.
You must be ready to stand as a strong man, A SHIELD to us.
You must be ready to go farther lengths without wavering to punish the offenders.
You must be ready to DEFEND us.
Direct our noble cause o lord and lead our leaders to do the right thing, yes we know they’re confused, they don’t know how they would maintain peace and order in our land.
Almighty God please guide our leaders. You’ve placed them their for a purpose, let the purpose be fulfilled. Put your fear in them.
And you that is inflicting pains, causing havoc and lots of evil, destroying properties, and you think you would always be a free man, you that never gave us the chance to enjoy life, fulfill purpose we won’t pray that all our enemies should die but we would rather pray for you that the lord shall raise a standard against you and arrest y’all. May the Lord trouble all our troublers and cause confusion in their midst.
Written by:
Glory Olasanmi